Monday, March 21, 2011

I hate attachment parenting!

I hate the books!

I might not, but I think of it the way I think of polyamory:

Great idea, leave me the fuck alone.

Really though, it sounds like a good idea, but maybe doesn't work for me. So I'll leave you alone [and silently judge you and think I'm superior] and you can leave me alone [and silently judge me and think you're superior.]

I'm reading white moms similtaneously glorify parenting practices of cultures they know nothing about and very educated black moms empowered by living like affluent white people. I heart the modern world.

In other (same) news, I have a love/hate relationship with my neighbourhood, which prides itself on being "a small town in the big city." It seems like a small town in that everyone is in each others' business, and that it's strangely homogenius (especially for this city.) Hmmm. There are things I like about it, but they're the "absence of" things (e.g. not being downtown, not running into people I know and don't want to see.) But what is neighbourhoody about this area doesn't suit me, which is sad. I obviously like neighbourhoods.

Jumping back, and not— I'm actually reading a book I'm really enjoying. It's an anthology and has that weird anthology thing that makes you feel like you've read it before even though it's changing your life. It's not completely hetero, but so far is largely so (minimal gays, and straight people with sob stories that arent' about being gay.) One of the things that's interesting to me about reading it (not the book, but the experience of reading it) is that there's that sense that a third of the contributors are people the author is otherwise connected to. In my life that generally means queers, and often means San Fransisco (or Toronto, or New York) but the foundation demographic is 30-something lady hip hop scholars. It's kind of rad. Kimmora Lee Simmons versus Kate Bornstein any day.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

quick notes for tonight

1. I am definitely the type of parent that considers buying a wear-once hideous thrift dress for my daughter to watch the Oscars in, to later be turned into a hat for a drag-sexual productive multi-tasking.

2. Dear mom squawk dot com: I would like you to pay me to blog for you, but your "Mom Squawk Biggest Loser Challenge" seriously disturbs me.

Over here, outside the bubble, I re-learn yet again that the world is still not only homophobic and lacking in trans consciousness, but entirely fatphobefucked too.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Fibro, vitamins

I've been trying to figure out a way to take less vitamins. I mean, to spend less on vitamins, and to still be okay. Right now I take about 7 supplements daily, in lower doses than recommended, and they help but they're also not being monitored and are costing my a fortune. My body doesn't seem to absorb them the same through food though.

I always want to bail on the regiment and take a multi, but I know I'll notice it. Esp because my body is soo particular about what it will accept. Citrates, capsules, brands.

I got a forward about a seminar on IV therapy for fibro treatment. It seems like the case study for it was extremely small, but I haven't read all too extensively. Ignore the part where I don't handle needles well to the point that I can't get acupuncture. I do get a lot of blood taken...

Anyhow, I read about the cocktail that's been used as an IV treatment and noticed it contained some form of hydrochloride. Ages ago (not actually, in the last 2 years) my naturopath suggested I try a hydrochloric acid rebalancing. It's fairly easy but a bit of maitnence. I bought it but didn't do it. I should make sure I can while I'm nursing and try it out.